Elizabeth Merritt posted an update 4 days, 8 hours ago
It is 3 years (February 2022) God connected me with ECM. I have received numerous blessings, prophecies from our beloved Ph Ed. My first encounter with Ph Ed was in NY July 2022. I had my deliverance. No person in Canada was able to deliver me. This was a divine connection. My first visit to the Freedom Arena was in 2022 October 30. I met a beautiful couple Pastor David and Pastor Diana. They picked me up from Holiday Inn, arranged a ride for me to get back to the Hotel. Thank you Pastors for your support and godly love. The service was very powerful, our dear Ph was on fire upon his return from Nigeria. Precious Holy Spirit located us. That day I was nervous wreck, very broken, hopeless, crying my heart out. Ph Ed prophesied accurately : my separation, John extremely sick, doctors had given up. We have/had a role to play for our prophecies to manifest. John was harbouring unforgiveness towards me, I continued to be rude towards my husband driving him further away from me. I visited the Freedom Arena in 2023 (twice) 2024 February visited again very messed up. Ph Ed had to deliver me again. I can only blame myself. Today all glory to God, I have grown spiritually spend time in the word, interceding for others. God is working on our marriage. My husband needs deliverance, evil cancer has has returned getting chemotherapy. He still has not forgiven me 100%. My heart’s desire is to bring my husband to the Freedom Arena as soon as possible. It is agonizing to see him go through it. Lord blessed me with a good Christian husband. I served the kingdom of darkness for many years, could not reciprocate his love. The evil devil stole my marriage, our home, finances, his health. I lived with guilt and condemnation. I know God has forgive me. I am His beloved child. We love our dearest Ph Ed, Pastor Carol, Pastor David and Pastor Diana. Thank you. Blessings and prayers
You are a vital part of our E-Community and we cherish you. We will continue to believe God with you and pray for you always!